As part of my study abroad course, we toured Giant’s Causeway in County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
You know it’s time to update your blog when the spam bots are trolling your previous posts, trying to add comments nagging you about developing original content through some new app they want you to purchase.
Alright spammers, I get it.
But who can blame me for getting a little lax in my posting efforts? I went through a crazy season in my life, and I had to prioritize. Sorry to say the blog didn’t register very high on my list.
So this is what happened in a span of roughly 30 days:
I was a bridesmaid in my best friend’s wedding.
I bought a house.
I moved into that house.
I experienced my first final exams in my seminary journey, as well as final project deadlines.
I traveled to Ireland for two weeks as part of a study-abroad immersion trip to learn about the history of the Irish church.

My journey to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland included a journey to the Skellig Islands, including the monastery at Skellig Michael.
I turned 31 years old.
That was just in a 30-day span this spring. I wish I could say things slowed down. And they did. Sorta. I wasn’t in constant crisis mode, but I was in catch-up mode. The summer is a hot time for youth ministry, and I’ve been in the thick of that for sure, c0-directing one church camp and traveling five hours to take youth to another.
I had a goal of finding balance this summer. I’m not sure it happened, but I’ve done a decent amount of self-care and self-preservation leading up to this next semester at seminary. Wait, that’s not entirely truthful, either. By self-care and self-preservation, I really mean unpacking boxes, sewing curtains, hanging shelves, painting, having some awesome friends take care of minor home-ownership hiccups, catching up from church-camp induced sleep deprivation and paying bills.
Fun stuff.
The thing I’ve missed most is having a routine. School starts again on Aug. 25. I’m looking forward to classes if for no other reason than having a set schedule for a few months.
In the brief meantime, I’m watching as much Netflix as possible (Daredevil and Agents of SHIELD episodes, holla!), reading as many fun books as possible (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child!), taking care of as many projects around my house as possible and quickly filling up my fall calendar.
And I guess you can now add blogging to that list.
I’ve got a ton of stories to tell and pictures to post. I’ll get to it. I promise.
Happy Summer, and thanks for sticking with me!
~ Dusty
Looking forward to your stories!