A vacant barn in Folsomdale, Ky., reminds us of the simplicity our hearts crave this morning.
I’ve struggled for several hours about what to write about this morning.
I don’t want to call it writer’s block, but rather writer’s inundation.
My life is full of little things I could write about, and giant things I could write about. There’s busyness that knows no bounds. There’s friends who are hurting. Friends who are thriving. Family who is hurting. Family who is thriving. School, work, school, more work. Church. Songs that won’t leave my head.
I don’t know where to start, much less where to end.
Perhaps that’s a call for me to simplify. Although I’m not sure where to start on that end, either. I just wish I could strip away all the thoughts and lists.
Saturday, I attended a presbytery meeting where a group of our regional churches gathered to discuss the business of the churches. We opened with worship where we heard the beautiful testimony from a woman who had been miraculously healed.
She closed her testimony with these words. They’re words I have written on a ratty notecard that now resides on my refrigerator. They focus me this morning.
If your heart and mind is as overwhelmed today as mine is, pray these words today:
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, Oh Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
What can you simplify today? What is your mind and heart focused on this morning?