Month: March 2016
Easter People

My alarm went off yesterday at 5 a.m. At 5:20 a.m., I was still in bed, sending Snapchat messages to friends with the words “got to go check the tomb” and feeling pretty snarky. I eventually got up, pulled on some clothes, brushed my teeth and shuffled into my car to head to church for … [Read more…]
So many words

My journalism background teaches that a writer should use words that most levels of education and ability can read, know and pronounce. We were taught to avoid technical jargon as much as possible. So cracking open my seminary text books can leave me with a headache some days. * Thank goodness for spring break. * … [Read more…]
Don’t stop believing

Whatever you’re going through today, keep fighting. Don’t ever give up. Ever. No matter how bleak things look, no matter what odds you’re facing, no matter how long you’ve been praying and pleading, don’t give up Never, ever give up. Want more adages? Fight until the end. Give it all you got. Don’t let up. … [Read more…]
The Middle

While I make no secret that I’m completely in love with my young seminary journey so far, it has been a challenge adjusting to the atmosphere surrounding a theological education. I’ve sought counsel from a few friends even, struggling with the idea of letting God into my education. I know. It sounds weird to me, … [Read more…]
Of basketball, faith and fandom

One of the most challenging stories I ever wrote while working as a sports writer was a feature on then-Murray State head men’s basketball coach Billy Kennedy. The Racers had just won the Ohio Valley Conference tournament back in 2010, and I had been granted a 1-on-1 interview with Kennedy to write an in-depth profile … [Read more…]

I got a speeding ticket last night. I honestly thought the speed limit was 70 miles per hour. It was 55. You do the math. With the blue lights blazing in my rearview mirror, the officer came to my window for the details. Upon taking my license and registration, he disappeared back to his … [Read more…]
Anything better to do

It’s Monday. I don’t have to remind you. Hello, Monday. For many of us, it’s time to hit the list again. To Do: create list eat breakfast shower mark things off fake list make new list… It’s one way we can attempt to keep control on what is otherwise an uncontrollable world. Our lists help … [Read more…]